EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 03 - 2022 Num. article: 2022/056

First finding and eradication of an Apriona sp. in the Netherlands

In November 2021, during an inspection in a tree nursery in the Province of Zuid Holland, signs of insect larval activity or possible exit holes opened up further by woodpecker activity were observed on three Enkianthus perulatus ‘Tower style’ trees. One larva was found inside one of the trees. Molecular identification concluded that the larva was Apriona germari (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae - EPPO A1 List). However, among Apriona species, only Apriona rugicollis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae - EPPO A1 List) has been recorded on Enkianthus perulatus according to the literature, and it is now considered as a distinct species from A. germari (see EPPO RS 2015/110). Therefore this raised a doubt as to whether the current sequences for A. germari in the database used for molecular identification are indeed A. germari or A. rugicollis

Official phytosanitary measures were applied to all possible host plants in the nursery. All deciduous trees and Pinus trees were inspected. All 151 Enkianthus plants at the company and three Enkianthus plants in the private garden of the owner were inspected before their destruction. No other Apriona specimens were found. A survey was performed at other companies, green spaces and private gardens in an area within a radius of 100 m around the nursery. In total 14 samples were taken from 13 deciduous trees and no quarantine organisms were found. Trace back investigations showed that Enkianthus trees had been bought via a trading company in another EU Member State. Trace forward investigations showed that Enkianthus plants from this nursery had been delivered between 2017 and 2021 to two other EU Member States. Relevant NPPOs were informed. Following the completion of measures at the nursery concerned, and the survey in its vicinity, eradication is confirmed.

The pest status of Apriona spin the Netherlands is officially declared as: Absent, pest eradicated.


NPPO of the Netherlands (2021-12) Update: Eradication confirmed of finding of Apriona in Enkianthus perulatus at a tree nursery in the Netherlands (province Zuid-Holland). https://english.nvwa.nl/topics/pest-reporting/documents/plant/plant-health/pest-reporting/documents/update-pest-report-apriona-enkanthus-december-2021