EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 1991 Num. article: 1991/08

Potential biological control of potato spindle tuber viroid

A first report on biological control of potato spindle tuber viroid is based on a virus/satellite-viroid interaction.
Lycopersicon esculentum preinoculated with the total RNA from cucumber mosaic cucumovirus strain S and 8 or 16 days later with a severe strain of PSTV showed only mild disease symptoms in contrast to plants inoculated with PSTV only. Serological tests also showed a reduced level of viroid RNA in plants which were preinoculated with the RNA of CMV strain S.


Montasser, M.S. (1991) First report of potential biological control of potato spindle tuber viroid disease by virus satellite combination.
Plant Disease 75, 319.