EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 07 - 1992 Num. article: 1992/05

Quarantine Procedure for Tilletia indica at CIMMYT

Tilletia indica (EPPO A1 list) occurs quite widely in Mexico (see Reporting Service 513/06) and CIMMYT (Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo) has developed quarantine procedures for wheat seed batches sent to all parts of the world:

1) all such seeds are produced in areas free from T. indica

2) seed plots in these areas are sprayed twice during the season with propiconazole.

To avoid the risk of low-incidence contamination, e.g. by windborne teliospore from infested areas,

3) seed batches are treated in a specialized mechanized apparatus, first with a high pressure shower of water, then in a sodium hypochlorite bath (this treatment is effective against teliospores contaminating the seed surface)

4) seed batches are treated with carboxin + captan, plus chlorothalonil specifically against T. indica (replacing PCNB which was used previously).


CIMMYT (1991)