EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 1992 Num. article: 1992/01

New information network of EPPO

The EPPO Bulletin Board Service INFOEPPO, an information Network accessible by computer, is on line since 1992-01-06.

In INFOEPPO you can find the newest information about Plant Quarantine, the Reporting Service and urgent News flashes like the recent interception of pine wood nematodes in "Kiln-dried" wood from Canada which had been in INFOEPPO since 1992-01-07.

               The INFOEPPO is accessible by dialing

                       + 33 (1) 40 50 62 83

A manual for operating in INFOEPPO is currently under preparation.


EPPO Secretariat,  Paris  (1992-01)