EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 1994 Num. article: 1994/38

Host status of stone fruits for Rhagoletis completa

Studies carried out in California (US) investigated the time period in which stone fruit orchards are normally free from Rhagoletis completa (EPPO A1 quarantine pest; under revision) and the host preferences of the fruit fly. It was found that the "pest-free period" for R. completa starts in spring and ends at the beginning of July. Laboratory and field experiments revealed that peaches and nectarines are only poor hosts for the fruit fly and that plums are not accepted as a host while walnuts are the preferred host for R. completa.


Yokoyama, V.Y.; Miller, G.T. (1993) Pest-free period for walnut husk fly and host status of stone fruits for export to New Zealand.
Journal of Economic Entomology 86, 1766-1772.