EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 06 - 1998 Num. article: 1998/118

EPPO Electronic Documentation Service: many new files are available

All published chapters of the EPPO/Council of Europe decision-making scheme for the environmental risk assessment of plant protection products are now available as files (in English and French) from eppo_docs@eppo.fr (they are included in the directory PPPStandards – see instructions below).
- Introduction (File name: Era01-e.doc (English), Era01-f.doc (French))
- Guidance on identifying aspects of environmental concern (File name: Era02-e.doc (English),
- Era02-f.doc (French))
- Soil (File name: Era03-e.doc (English), Era03-f.doc (French))
- Ground water (File name: Era04-e.doc (English), Era04-f.doc (French))
- Surface water (File name: Era05-e.doc (English), Era05-f.doc (French))
- Aquatic organisms (File name: Era06-e.doc (English), Era06-f.doc (French))
- Soil microflora (File name: Era07-e.doc (English), Era07-f.doc (French))
- Earthworms (File name: Era08-e.doc (English), Era08-f.doc (French))
- Arthropods natural enemies (File name: Era09-e.doc (English), Era09-f.doc (French))
- Honey bees (File name: Era10-e.doc (English), Era10-f.doc (French))
- Terrestrial vertebrates (File name: Era11-e.doc (English), Era11-f.doc (French))

The following FAO International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures are now available (in English and French)
- Guidelines for surveillance. FAO, 1998 (File name: Ispm6.doc (English), Nimp6.doc (French))
- Export certification system. FAO; 1997 (File name: Ispm7.doc(English), Nimp7.doc (French))

The EPPO Electronic Documentation (see also EPPO RS 98/055) is an e-mail system (not a Web site) from which you can obtain EPPO files, by sending very simple e-mail messages to the following address: eppo_docs@eppo.fr

1) messages should be kept very simple without signature or greetings.
2) a single message can contain several requests.

How to access the EPPO Electronic Documentation Service
1) Register as a user
- EPPO files have been separated into five directories according to the topic concerned:
- PPPstandards (EPPO standards on plant protection products)
- PQstandards (EPPO standards on plant quarantine)
- Regulations (EPPO summaries of phytosanitary regulations and original texts)
- Reporting (EPPO Reporting Service)
- Publications (various EPPO publications, e.g. data sheets)
To receive the EPPO files, you have first to register as a user of the directory(ies) you are interested in (as many as you want), by sending the following e-mail message to eppo_docs@eppo.fr
Join (name of the directory you want)
Example : Join PPPStandards
You will receive in return two messages. One is a transaction report which tells you that you successfully joined the chosen directory and the second gives a full explanation on how to obtain the contents of the directory, and then the files. You can join as many directories as you want in a single message.

Example :
Join PPPStandards
Join Regulations
Join Reporting

2) Obtain the contents
Send the following e-mail message to eppo_docs@eppo.fr
Dir (name of the directory you want)
Example: Dir PPPStandards
You will again receive in return two messages. One is a transaction report which tells you that the command was completed and the second will be entitled (for example) 'directory for the list PPPStandards', and will list all the file names. Similarly, you can ask for the contents of several directories in a single message. Note that in each directory (except for ‘Reporting’, a file called content-.doc (e.g. contentp.doc for the directory PPPStandards) has been added and it gives a list of complete document titles with their corresponding file names).

3) Get the files
Send the following e-mail message to eppo_docs@eppo.fr
Get (name of the directory ; name of the file)
Example: Get PPPStandards Era01-e.doc
You will again receive in return two messages. One is a transaction report which tells you that the command was completed and the second will contain the requested file as an attachment.
You can obtain several files with a single request.

Example :
Get PPPStandards Era01-e.doc
Get PPPStandards Era02-e.doc
Get PPPStandards contentp.doc
Get Reporting rse-9805.doc


EPPO Secretariat, 1998-06.